CLR Team Spotlight - 5 Questions with Tomiko White

Tomiko White is our Director of License, Title and Registration and we put her in the CLR Team Spotlight! When Tomiko isn’t running around chasing her new puppy, Apollo, she’s busy leading our very busy LTR department. We love having Tomiko on our team and you’ll love her on yours!

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1. What brought you to the Transportation Industry?

I have a background in the medical field, retail, property management, and the legal industry and was looking for something different for this season of my life.

2. What changes / maneuvers did CLR implement to help get through the pandemic shutdown?

Although CLR is a family, we keep our distance while in the office with everyone staying in their offices (doors closed) or designated work areas. Gloves and masks were provided to our drivers and CLR enforced the use of masks to all entering the office. We had a facial recognition temperature scanner installed for daily use along with sanitizing areas throughout the office for everyone’s protection.

3. Dog or Cat?

Once upon a time cat, but now definitely DOG!! My 6 month old Shiba Inu, Apollo has added so much joy to my life. Plus he’s just so darn cute.

4. You are currently watching What on Netflix?

The Baztan Trilogy

5. Describe your team.

To sum it up my team is like family, we have good and not so good days, disagreements and misunderstandings. But at the end of the day I know they have my back the same as I have theirs.

Pat Shaw